feel like want to fly!!~~~huarrarararaa~~

kalau la mistake boleh d UNDO!!~ak sure ak UNdo smuenye pah buat balik ap yg ak nk!!~bru puas aty ak!!~MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

LOVE not only TERHAD to lover...LOVE also can be wif FRIEND...if ak d beri plihan tuk plih on friends or love,i will be choose FRIENDS..bcause i;m love all my friends..

all the things at KMPP is all became a memory..although i;m just there for a year but i;m free i'm there only a month...all the memory will last forever in my heart until the end of my life...(ceh jiwang teh~)

so,don't be sad...at UNIVERSITY,i be meet a new friends..hak3...be optimist la...I"M OPTIMISTIC NOT PASIMISTIC!!~

so,,,let capture every moment but it wat late niw..but live in kmpp i've capture all the thing happen to me~~
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