siti nur ateeqa
19 july 1992

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i love to posting...

today 4th april 2011/.......my study week...next 3 week i will blah from kmpp n not come here anymore...hak3...my parents come n take me home...
accually this is not my purpse too post in the day that my room also my 'aras' got no current with our plug n i'm here wasting my laptop' battery wif the thing that useless like this..hak3...before that i wan to wish hepy besday to my oppa!!~ eunhyuk super junior for his birthday today.... although its impssible to wish face to face to eunhyuk....i'm just wish it through blog....hak3

i love eunhyuk this new hair style...love it!!!~

~last night i'm n my rumate except posh...we went to watching ABPBH..hak3..at blik tv A4...hak3...gempak abis,,,bes gler....ak ngn wanis dh ckap smaada zizan or sam yg ak mnang...just wait n see...hak3

zizan becoming mc of this anugerah..gempak gleer.....agk lawak r.....mse dye mnang 2 r x leh blah...mke sdih gler....jebek jer...

~first ak taw dye from cter GRADUAN yg ad iqram,diana rafar,n memey suhaiza,....dye jd mamat yg kool je...hak3...after dat byak dh dye blakon...cter2 dye smue ak nk tgk..huhuhuhuhu...lakonan dye 2 agk mnjad....g2 r...

love this hair style...nmpak dye macho n cool gler.....hak3...JOhnNY DEPP.......

~and the winner of BINTANG POPULAR is SHAHEiZY SAM;,,,,hak3.....

i like this 2....
for mlaysia punyer artist la...

~now i'm becoming more lazy n lazy...hak2/.......
GO STUDY!!!!.........don't be lazy.......hak3....love this pic....look how lazy she n her dog.....

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