siti nur ateeqa
19 july 1992

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My second entry for portfolio is quite nerdy right?. This is my third entry about 1citizen. Internet is very important to us. Some of us, if not online for a day they will feel that the world will end..RIGHT>? haha.. our world right now are too modern and we have a various forms of digital commmunications and collaboration tools. They are
-   Email
-   Social networking sites
-   Blog
-   Online forum
-   Instant messaging (IM)
Not only when we are online in internet we have a manners. When we are using mobiles phone also we have some manners.

1)  Respecting others when using mobile phones
-   Obey mobile phone bans
-   Respect camera phone rules
-   Keep your private conversations
-   Keep your distance from those around
2)  Answering mobile phones at ‘inappropriate’ places
-   Hospital
-   Movies theates, cinemas
-   Any types of speacial ceremonies such as funerals and weedings
-   Any types of official functions such as conferences and meetings
-   Religious or worship places such as mosque, temples, and curches
-   Libraries
-   museums

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